In John chapter six, many of Jesus’ followers walked away and returned to their former ways of life after finding His teachings hard to accept. Jesus turned to the twelve and asked them, “Do you also want to leave?”  What should we do when we find His teachings hard to accept? Find out in today’s message.

As Christians we place our faith is Jesus Christ. Yet, we frequently find some of His teachings hard to accept. There are always things in our life that lure us away from Him. Are there some “former ways” of living that have caused you to turn away from Christ?

The term “cafeteria Christian” describes the tendency to pick and choose those teachings in the Bible that we either accept or reject.

In John 6:55-56 Jesus states, “For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” Many could not believe that Jesus actually wanted them to eat His flesh and drink His blood. We are told that many of his disciples said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Then in John 6:66 it states, “As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.”

Is it a mere coincidence that that passage about walking away from Jesus is found in a verse numbered 6:66? This at least offers us something to ponder. The number 666 holds significant meaning in the Book of Revelation.

Theologically, 666 signifies the struggle between good and evil. It highlights the reality of spiritual warfare. We are always called to resist the temptations which seeks to draw us into sin and away from our commitment to God. Understanding the number 666 through the context of Revelation reveals the dangers of succumbing to worldly temptations and the importance of remaining steadfast in faith. We must always find hope in Christ’s victory over sin and death.

The passage from John 6:66 also serves as a poignant reminder of the human tendency to revert to old habits, particularly when faced with the challenges of faith. This phenomenon seems particularly true in today’s world which rejects many of Christ’s teachings. This passage illustrates the struggle against sin and the allure of a life that may seem easier or more familiar.

We are continually called to confront our weaknesses and the temptations that lead us away from the teachings of Christ. We are not left to navigate this struggle alone; we are supported by the Holy Spirit and by our brothers and sisters in Christ. As we strive to grow in holiness, we will be susceptible to falling back into sin due to our human frailty.

The Gospel narrative illustrates that even those who walked closely with Jesus faced moments of doubt and retreat. The disciples’ decision to abandon Jesus reflects a broader truth about human nature: the comfort of the familiar often outweighs the challenge of the new. When confronted with some of Jesus’ more difficult teachings, many disciples found the path of discipleship too demanding and chose to return to their previous lives.

There is always a tendency to flee from those teachings we find hard. We must resist this temptation. Part of us may want to turn from Jesus to engage in sinful behaviors that provide temporary relief from spiritual discomfort. The allure of sin lies in its immediate gratification, contrasting sharply with the long-term commitment required in our faith journey.

Our struggle against sin is compounded by societal pressures. The truth of Jesus’ teachings can be difficult to accept, especially when they challenge prevailing cultural norms. This makes it all too easy to slip back into our old ways, prioritizing personal comfort over spiritual growth.

We mustn’t forget that the Gospel message is not one of despair but of hope and redemption. God’s love and mercy are always available, inviting us sinners to return to Him. Our continual conversion requires us to recognize our failings. We must repent and keep striving to live in accordance with God’s will. We are not on this faith journey alone. We are supported by the entire community of believers and by God’s grace, which provide us the necessary strength to resist the pull of sin.

Each day we must once again align our lives with the teachings of Christ, overcoming the temptation to retreat into self-centeredness. This is why we pray, “give us this day our daily bread.” God’s love and grace empower us to rise above our weaknesses and to embrace all of Christ’s teachings.

The temptation to return to a former way of life by choosing sin is a universal struggle faced by all Christians. The journey of faith is fraught with challenges, but it is also filled with opportunities for growth and renewal. When we embrace all of Christ’s teachings, knowing we have the support of the Christian community, we can navigate our struggles with sin, and we can continue to follow Christ, even when the path is difficult. Our call to discipleship is a call to perseverance. We must trust in God’s unfailing love and mercy as we strive to authentically live out our faith. We must never return to our former ways!

Heavenly Father, grant me the strength to hold fast to all of the teaching and commands that your Son taught us, even when I find His teaching to be hard. Help me to remain faithful to Him. Help me to always walk in His footsteps. Help me to never return to my former ways of living. And help me to resist the sinful temptations that come my way. Amen!




We are making some changes and improvements to our website later this week. There is a possibility that our website could be temporarily shut down for a few hours on Thursday September 12th. The updated site, with its new features and pages, will be available late Thursday or Friday. We are excited about these changes. We hope you will like them too.


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