The boxer was sprawled on the mat, defeated once again. His head was spinning, and his temples ached. Sin had landed another crushing blow. “Why had he let his guard down,” he wondered. Sin’s punches were lightning-fast. As he regained consciousness, he reflected on his life—a relentless series of defeats. Determined to change, he resolved to seek a new coach. “There has to be a better way,” he thought. “I want joy and peace, not this.”  Find out what happens next.

Ten years ago, I wrote the story about The Boxer. Today, after ten years, the Boxer is making a comeback. 

Our boxer had heard of a legendary boxing coach who might be available. Stories of Jesus as a young boxer, famous throughout the region, were still celebrated. The tale of His great comeback was legendary. On a fateful Friday afternoon, Jesus, a small-town boxer expected to bring glory to Israel. He seemed down for the count. In those days, fights were to the death, and Jesus had died on the mat before a stunned crowd. Their hero was gone, and the people wandered away in sorrow.

Three days later, rumors spread, and then it was confirmed—Jesus had risen from the dead. Defeating his opponent, Satan, who had been gloating over his victory, Jesus of Nazareth was declared the champion of all time.

Since then, Jesus has become the world’s most renowned boxing coach. Revered for His caring approach, He founded His first boxing school and authored the Bible, the best-selling boxing manual translated into every language. His training camps, known as Christian Churches, draw followers from every continent. Billions have become devoted disciples, and many of his well-trained students have achieved sainthood.

Satan, who fled after Jesus’ resurrection, has since returned to coach his minions, known as the Tempters. These fighters break all the rules, using illegal tactics to utterly destroy their opponents.

Our defeated boxer’s awakening came when he learned about this legendary coach. With a pitiful record, he entered Jesus’ training school. To his astonishment, Jesus greeted him with open arms, having longed for his arrival. With boundless love, Jesus welcomed every new student as if they were his only one. He had put his life on the line on that fateful Friday, and since His resurrection, He had yearned to share His kingdom with every new boxer in the ring of life.

With Jesus as his coach, another match began on a hot, muggy night. The arena was packed, and Satan stood in the shadows, his Tempter entering the ring. Jesus and the boxer waited in the opposite corner.


The bell rang, and the boxer was hit in the mouth. Despite his resolve and training, he ended the round with a fat lip. In the corner, Jesus explained how the Tempter uses the mouth for lies and gossip. Applying ice to his lip, Jesus offered encouragement and sent him back out.


At the end of round two, the boxer staggered in, battered by gut punches. Jesus warned that the Tempter tempts with gluttony but reassured him that Jesus is the bread of life. Refreshed, the boxer prepared for round three.


Returning from round three, the boxer clutched his side, suffering from illegal kidney punches. Jesus gently rubbed his side, explaining how the Tempter uses alcohol and drugs to destroy the kidneys. Strengthened by Jesus’ touch, the boxer re-entered the ring.


The boxer staggered to the corner after brutal jabs to the face, his eyes swollen and bloody. Jesus applied an ice pack, cut the swelling, and warned about the Tempter’s use of pornography and vanity. The boxer was readied for the next round.


The boxer was in agony from a barrage of body punches. The arena was smoky, and the crowd’s jeers were overwhelming. He felt defeated, ready to quit. Jesus poured soothing oil on his aching muscles, explaining the Tempter’s deceitful strength and despair. Encouraged, the boxer relied on his coach’s strength and returned to the ring.


As the round started, and while the referee was distracted, the Tempter delivered two brutal blows below the belt. The boxer collapsed, writhing in pain, his pride preventing him from reaching for the injured spot. Jesus stood over him, explaining how the Tempter strikes at vulnerable areas like sexual desires, bringing pain and immorality. Some of Jesus’ sweat fell on the boxer like drops of blood, strengthening him. The crowd watched as the boxer, revived and inspired, chanted, “Jesus! Jesus!” The arena erupted with him, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!”

With his last ounce of strength and Jesus’ grace, the boxer landed a powerful blow to the Tempter’s head. The Tempter fell, and the referee counted him out. The fight was over. With Jesus at his side, he had won.


We, like the boxer, face life’s ring, with Jesus as our coach. Even with the best coach, we sometimes feel defeated. We must get up and remember that alone we cannot win. The opponent and his coach fight unfairly. Only with Jesus can we triumph. There is an eternal struggle for our souls, and our strength comes from our coach. We are washed by his blood and nourished by his body.

Let’s commit to spending more time in Christ’s training schools studying the Bible to defend ourselves against deceptive opponents and Tempters. Let’s share the good news of our new coach with others and invite them to His school.

Paul Simon’s song “The Boxer” echoes my story of the boxer and life’s struggle:

  • “I have squandered my resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such are promises all lies and jest.” ‘Still, a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.”
  • “I come looking for a job, but I get no offers, just a come-on from the whores on Seventh Avenue. I do declare, there were times when I was so lonesome I took some comfort there. Lie-la-lie…”
  • “In the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of ev’ry glove that laid him down and cut him till he cried out in his anger and his shame, ‘I am leaving, I am leaving.’ But the fighter still remains.”
Songwriter: Paul Simon    The Boxer lyrics © Sony/atv Songs Llc

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your son, Jesus Christ. Through your Holy Spirit, help me see Jesus as my life’s coach. Help me remember that I cannot win alone. Strengthen me to fight the good fight. Amen.


Special Reminder

I encourage you to send our new brochure to your pastor or the person at your church who is in charge or arranging retreats. I would love to put on a retreat at your church. Please click this link to download our brochure and email it today.



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