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Me, myself, and I are said to make up the unholy trinity. Add in the word mine, and together these four words, irrespective of what language they are spoken in, are likely the most over used words in human vocabulary. They shouldn’t be. Find out why. Please read more.
Just minutes ago, I was riding my bike with my wife. We were enjoying a beautiful, sunny day of retirement living. As we rode along a popular trail, without a care in the world, the Holy Spirit suddenly prompted me to stop, get off my bike, and write this message.
So now, here I am sitting on a park bench, next to a river, overlooking a waterfall, writing. The Holy Spirit has directed my thoughts towards everyone else in the world who wasn’t enjoying this peaceful relaxing afternoon.
I guess you could say that some of us are “living the life.” If we are honest with ourselves, we are all blessed beyond measure. Perhaps like me, you are retired, you own a home that is mostly paid for, you have a little money saved, and have enough income to cover your expenses.
So far, retirement has been kind to my wife and I. We have had the opportunity to go camping, kayaking, and enjoy our e-bikes. We have the opportunity to travel and spend time with family and friends. It’s also comforting to know that our children believe in God, love each other, and have contributed to their communities and others. So, without a doubt, we are extremely blessed.
That’s enough about me. I only wrote those things to make my point. Each of you reading this could have written your own story about your own circumstances. How has God blessed you?
But here on a beautiful afternoon the Holy Spirit nudged me to stop, ponder, and write about the reality that at this very moment, as I sit on this park bench, there are millions of others far less fortunate. As we were riding our bikes: bombs were falling in Ukraine, a reporter is being held against his will in Russia, children are starving in Africa, dictatorial regimes are oppressing their citizens, religious persecutions are taking place around the world, homeless encampments are found in cities across America, families are devastated by senseless violence and murders, single parents struggle to raise their young families, people work two and three jobs just to pay their bills, and sick people can’t get the care they need because they have no way to pay for treatment.
Reflecting on the aforementioned circumstances, can you see just how enormously blessed you are? No matter how hard we think we have it, someone has it worse. The big question is, do we even see the sick, hungry and oppressed people around us, or instead, are we too me focused?
Easter Season is an ideal time to reflect on our abundant blessings. It’s also an ideal time to reflect on how poor, sick and downtrodden so many others are. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus taught us how to care for others, and how to live an outward focused life. Too often our unholy trinity causes us to have an inwardly focused life.
The next time we contemplate buying a new car, a new boat, or a bigger home, let’s first remember those who are racked with pain, and burdened by life. As we add more to our bank accounts and 401(k), let’s keep in mind those who are struggling to make it through until tomorrow. Do we even see these people? Do we care? Do we stop to help?
In Luke 12:48 it says, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” When this life is over, we won’t be remembered for having lived a comfortable life. We won’t be remembered for the things we accumulated. We won’t be remembered by the size of bank accounts. We will, however, be remembered if we left a positive impact on others. We will have left a meaningful legacy, if we have lived an outward focused life, by giving back to others, and by leaving values to our children more so than wealth.
If we want to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, we need to step out of our comfort zone. We need to open our eyes to those around us. We need to care, and we need to take action. Acts 3:7 tells us, that soon after the resurrection, Peter, in the name of Jesus, cured a man, and gave him the ability to walk. Having just experienced Easter, are we going to live as a resurrection people? Will we help those less fortunate than us?
Now, as my wife and I resume our bicycle ride, this question lingers on my mind. Can I see beyond my unholy trinity? Can You?
Heavenly Father, give me the ability to truly love others as I love myself. Guide me to those most in need. And, help me to walk more closely in the footsteps of your Son. Amen!
As always, I love to hear from you. You can email by clicking here. To share your thoughts with other readers, please use the comment section below.
Please take a couple minutes to watch the video about my new book. The book is available on this website and on Amazon.com. It is also NOW AVAILABLE IN SPANISH. Please be sure to like the video and to leave a review of the book on Amazon after you have read it. Thank you!
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What a blessing you are to so many. It’s really good to have known you, Brian, through your beautiful reflections over the years.
Continued Blessings always.
In His Love,
Thank you for those kind words!
Thank you for this message Brian!! So much truth in what you have written. We are all so very truly blessed, but it is so easy to only focus on what is in our own plate. Thank you for continuing to do our Lords work!
Having surgery today. Please pray for me.
May our Good Lord prepare and direct the surgeons as they perform the surgery. May you take comfort in knowing God has you in the palm of His hand, and may the Great Healer, bring you swiftly to a full and complete recovery. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!