The Mysterious Path to Freedom

A little toddler, having just learned how to walk, tries to exert his new found freedom. With a devilish grin on his face, he looks over his shoulder as he defiantly attempts to run in the opposite direction of his parents when called to come to them. It seems that very early in life, we humans are predisposed to equate freedom with rebellion. One of life’s great mysteries is hidden in the way by which mankind finds true freedom. It is a conundrum. Please read more…

As we draw closer to Easter Sunday, hopefully we are being spiritually enriched by our prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent has hopefully allowed us to slow down in order to reflect on our relationship with God. During this time of reflection, I am confident we will all find many areas where we fall short and need improvement.

Let’s face it, sin is rebellion from God. Hopefully we can see that our sin is reminiscent of that toddler running from his parents. In essence, through sin, we are seeking freedom. Much to our dismay, we soon discover that sin only ensnares us. Through sin, we become imprisoned. Sin leads away from the freedom we were seeking.

This is precisely why God gave us the Ten Commandments. He wants us to have freedom. This is where the mystery becomes apparent. Freedom comes from obedience. This is totally counterintuitive.

God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that the good of all, and freedom, were intrinsically linked to one another. He intended for mankind to be inextricably linked together. In this reality, we discover the true nature of man.

God is love! Mankind was created in God’s image. God designed us to both need love and to be loving. Knowing this, God graciously gave us the Ten Commandments. Sadly, we often see the commandments as a list of “Thou Shall nots,” rather than seeing them as the key to our freedom.

Ask any vowed religious person who has taken the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience and they will quickly tell you that obedience is by far the hardest vow to keep. As I said before, we seem predisposed to rebellion.

So here is a thought to ponder during these remaining days of preparation before Easter. It is precisely through the Ten Commandments that God depicts and presents Himself to us. The Ten Commandments are the mirror in which we see God. If we want to live out our true God given nature, in other words, if we want to live in such a way that the divinity of God can be seen through our interactions with others, then the Ten Commandments must be understood as our roadmap to Freedom.

The Ten Commandments are the moral infrastructure on which God wants the world to be built. Truly, the Ten Commandments do not limit us. No, quite the opposite, they set us free to live as God designed us to live! When we observe inequality in the world, and we do every day, we can be assured that the inequality is a result of a breach in the Ten Commandments.

Hopefully by now the curtain has been pulled back on freedom’s mystery. We have discovered that the Ten Commandments point us towards freedom, not away from it. No doubt we have discovered in our own life that rebellion and disregard for the Commandments leads us to pain and enslavement. There is still one more vital truth to discover. It is found in 2 Corinthians 3:3. Here we see that God did not intend for His commandments to remain on a stone tablet. He wants them written on our hearts.

In closing, I suspect if you are like me, this reflection points out the obvious. We all have plenty of room for improvement. There is no better time than today to resolve to change.

Heavenly Father, help me to recognize your Commandments as the gift you intended them to be. Help me to move them from tablets of stone, and implant them in my heart. Help me to live out your Commandments every day. Help me to embrace them as my road map to lasting freedom. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!


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Brian Pusateri
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