Unfaithful To The One Who Holds Our Heart

Marital infidelity is as old as the Bible, but so is religious infidelity. At its core, infidelity is a breach of a covenant, trust, and love. Sin is also a breach of our covenantal relationship with God, resulting in a fracture of trust and love. In essence, sins are acts of infidelity against God. What sin are you having an affair with? Please read more…..

All sin is alluring. If it were not, we would never succumb to its false enticements. Sin is tantalizing. The promise of sin is a lie, put forth by the father of lies. Sin promises us relief from our pains and struggles. Sin always makes the grass look greener on the other side of the fence. The reality, however, is that sin always disappoints.

Sin destroys relationships. Before the first sin, Adam and Eve had a close relationship with God. After their sin, they ran away and hid. They no longer felt close to Him. A feeling of alienation and separation came upon them. Their relationship with God was fractured.

At its core, sin tries to lure us away from God who is our one true love. Christ is the Bridegroom, and we as Church, are His bride. Sin is nothing less than an infidelity against God. Sin causes people to forsake their true love, God, in pursuit of life’s titillating pleasures. Our lifelong prodigal journey is the process of coming to our senses, seeing the errors of our ways, begging for our Lord’s forgiveness, and working hard to rebuild a trusting relationship.

Christianity does not promise an easy life. In fact, Christ tells us that following Him is hard. Life brings with it sorrow and pain. Sin tries to convince us that it can medicate our pains. The sinful allures of pride, ego, wealth, power, prestige, gossip, alcohol, drugs, pornography, and sexual promiscuity mislead us. They tell us that life does not have to be so hard and painful. These sins promise joy and happiness.  They become our tempters and temptresses.

Singer Luther Vandross sang a love song called I’d Rather. His song speaks to the issue of marital infidelity, repentance and healing. I believe his song offers an allegory for today’s message on sin. It contains these lyrics:

I’d rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else

I’d rather be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself

I’d rather have hard times together, than to have it easy apart

I’d rather have the one who holds my heart

Jesus is the one who holds our hearts. He is the one who deserves all our love. Sure, life has its ups and downs, trials, and heartaches, but we are always better at our Lord’s side than chasing after the false allure of sin.

The song continues with these words:

And then I met someone

And thought she could replace you

We got along just fine

We wasted time because she was not you

We had a lot of fun

Though we knew we were faking

Love was not impressed with our connection they were all lies, all lies

Sin always tries to make itself seem more pleasing than the ways of God. Sin is always pulling us away from God. Sin never stops lying to us. Reminiscent of the Prodigal Son’s change of heart, the song continues with these lyrics:

So, I’m here cause I found this one thing is true

That I’m nothing without you

I know better now

And I’ve had a change of heart

 The song concludes with words of regret and a plea for forgiveness.

I can’t blame you if you turn away from me, like I’ve done you,

I can only prove the things I say with time,

Please be mine

After we sin, we sometimes struggle to fathom the enormity of God’s love and mercy, and even after He forgives us, we struggle mightily to forgive ourselves.

Today’s culture tries to downplay the destructive nature of sin. Some churches rarely mention sin anymore. Things that have long been known to be sinful are now considered okay. This is a dangerous trend that jeopardizes our relationship with God.

Allow me to close with some difficult questions. What illicit pleasures are pulling you away from your true love with God? What areas of sin are causing you to cheat God out of your affection? How have you rebuffed the love of your bridegroom? How are you being unfaithful to the one who holds your heart?

Heavenly Father, you commanded me to love the Lord, my God, with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind. I have often failed to do this. I have allowed sin to lead me astray. I beg you to forgive me Lord. Please restore our fractured relationship and help me never to stray again. Amen. 

As always, I love to read your comments below as well as hear from you personally by clicking here.

Brian Pusateri
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  1. Bob Davis on October 14, 2020 at 10:13 am


    Excellent! We all need to journey our way back home to God like the prodigals that we are. Constantly correcting our course- allowing Him to be the Captain of our vessels, and letting go of the sinful cargo that could sink us.


    P.S.: I had to go looking for this 4th Day Letter since it did not show up in my email. Got to love/hate technology!

    • Brian Pusateri on October 15, 2020 at 2:47 am


      Thanks for your post. You are right, life is a journey and we are always correcting our course. Hopefully Jesus is guiding our path.


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